Testing a REST Web Service with Cucumber

The Cucumber book has been helpful in a way that I saw more options for testing a web service. It’s my first time to use HTTParty. In the past, I always used RESTClient gem for this kind of task.

Just think the example is overkill. Maybe we just want to know whether the JSON response includes the data we expect.

So this helps:

# features/step_definitions/rest_steps.rb

require 'httparty'

When /^the client requests GET (.*)$/ do |path|
  @last_response = HTTParty.get('http://somewebsiteidontknow.com' + path)

Then /^the JSON response should include "([^\"]*)"$/ do |response|
  JSON.parse(@last_response.body).to_s.should match response

Then /^the JSON response should not include "([^\"]*)"$/ do |response|
  JSON.parse(@last_response.body).to_s.should_not match response

Scenario: GET People
  When the client requests GET /api/v1/people.json
  Then the JSON response should include "A Name"
  And the JSON response should not include "A Mouse"

Probably a bad way of testing is just testing whether the response is not nil.

A better example:

When /^ I GET Github (.*)$/ do |path|
  @last_response = HTTParty.get('http://github.com/api/v2/json' + path)
Scenario: SEARCH Github user
  When I GET Github /user/search/bridgeutopia
  Then the JSON response should include "bridgeutopia"
  And the JSON response should not include "something"